Why Your Kid is Laughing When You Mean Business
Laughter serves many purposes. If you’ve ever wondered why people laugh at the wrong moments, let’s examine what laughter does.
Angry at Your Own Kid? Here’s Where to Start.
Sometimes anger feels like the only way to get our point across. Especially when you feel like you’ve already tried every version of calm and reasonable you have left. The trouble with repeated angry outbursts is
Anatomy of a Meltdown
We’ve all seen it, when our child (or preferably someone else’s child) is having a meltdown. The crying, screaming, uncontrollable physical and emotional outbursts triggered by overwhelm and made worse if the child is tired, hungry, or not feeling good.
The Secret to Keeping Your Cool When Your Child is Acting Out
I am going to tell you something and you may not like it. There is no secret to keeping your cool when your kid is acting out. There is a way to do it but it’s not a secret. It’s stuff you already know and its stuff you’re already working hard on.
The Story You Tell Yourself Matters
You know that running monologue you have in your head? The one that dishes out praise or punishment about whatever you are doing or feeling? That monologue is part of your narrative, the story you tell yourself about how the world works, why
What to Do When You’re Not Feeling Close to Your Child
Today I was talking with another mom. She said to me “the kids are outside right now, I don’t even want to call them in for lunch. I love them but I am just sick of them right now”. I get it
Help Your Child Develop Resiliency to Setbacks
Yesterday on the way home from school my son started crying. He tearfully told me his teacher forgot to give him back a toy she had been holding for him and that he needed it right now. Part of me wanted to turn right around to get his toy because he was just so sad. The rest of me tried
What to do When You Mess Up in Front of Your Kid
The other day I flopped down on the couch to relax and immediately jumped back up in pain. I had landed on one of those little plastic building blocks, I know you know the ones I mean, and it had scratched me with its evil pointy corner. I yelled out “ow!” and my son kindly asked me what happened and if I was okay. I responded in
The Simple Magic of Feelings Validation
What if I told you there is a super simple tool you can use that would help your child be able to appropriately express and manage her feelings? If you knew this simple technique would boost your child’s self esteem, reduce defiance, build self-reliance, improve confidence, and increase her sense of connectedness you’d want to do this thing, right? What is this magic?
Develop a Growth Mindset With One Tiny Word
“I can’t do it” she whines. “It’s too hard. I don’t know how“. If you’ve ever heard your kids say this you know it can be heartbreaking. They want so badly to figure something out and feel scared that they might not be able to. As a mom you might